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Calendar of Events
**For more information on classes and presentations, click on the event title.**

March 2010

March 6
Munay-Ki Initiation Class Series - Part 1: Foundation Rites
9:00am - 5:00pm
March 7
Munay-Ki Initiation Class Series - Part 2 Lineage Rites
9:00am - 5:00pm
March 13
Munay-Ki Initiation Class Series - Part 3: Creator Rites
9:00am - 5:00pm
March 20
TranceFusion: Equinox Significant Gateway Activations
1:00pm - 3:00pm
March 28
***Experience AVATAR®  -  Free Introduction
3:00pm - 6:00pm

Call Tina, 307 413-3494, for more information and to reserve your space clisck here

April 2010

April 7
Munay-Ki Fire Circle
6:00pm - 7:30pm
April 25
***Experience AVATAR®  -  Free Introduction
3:00pm - 6:00pm

***Call Tina, 307 413-3494, for more information and to reserve your space clisck here

May 2010

Munay-Ki Initiation Class Series - Part 1: Foundation Rites
9:00am - 5:00pm
Munay-Ki Initiation Class Series - Part 2: Lineage Rites
9:00am - 5:00pm
Munay-Ki Initiation Class Series - Part 3: Creator Rites
9:00am - 5:00pm
May 23
***Experience AVATAR®  -  Free Introduction
3:00pm - 6:00pm

***Call Tina, 307 413-3494, for more information and to reserve your space clisck here

**This series of Munay - Ki classes has been cancelled. New dates to be announced.


*All paid events are offered with a sliding scale exchange as well, please speak with the presenter with regard to this.
We are very aware of the state of our economy.  We want you to attend an any and all events without hesitation.

**"Local" Special

**All BTR Broadcasts are Live. Simply click on this URL: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Journey-Into-Soul

Here is a partial listing and description of Gatherings and Events that will be offered through The ONE Center:

"This is provocative at best. Offering an invitation to explore the human mind, perhaps even yours, if you are willing. Dance for a few moments beyond the abyss of belief and into the multidimensional realms of expression. Take a step and allow illusions to be revealed and let the veils fall away." ~ Ary'n

Ary'n has been regulary featured in the Sedona Journal of Emergence when his articles were submitted, including the Predictions Edition. Speaking through I'Maya, Ary'n has come to 'assist humanity through this accelerated times of transition', offering information that will allow the steps to the next stage fo our human evolution to be taken with grace. Ary'n shares his messages with humor and Absolute Love.

During this presentation, Ary'n and very likely, other 'friends' speak through as well. Meet I'Maya and listen to her story. Meet Ary'n and other 'friends' through I'Maya and, well...the rest will be your story.

Come explore beyond mind and beyond body and the time before time. Listen as Ary'n share with you: what this reality is all about and the 'purpose' of being human. By discovering the 'I Am' of your Self and what you really are, you begin to embrace the I Am in all things. "There is only One.'

Communion with Spirit
We are all connected to Spirit and the Oneness that is our Source. At one time, we had clean and clear communication with our guidance. Over eons of time, this ability diminished. Call this guidance your Guardian Angel, Spirit Guide, etc., it does not matter. This course will 're-mind' you of your communion and connection with Spirit. I'Maya has always been, as she calls it, 'in communion' with Spirit, since she was a child. She refers to her guidance as 'friends that give me all sorts of information to share'. She says, 'There is no one of us that is not connected. Some of us have just come to believe that they have become a little unplugged, that's all.' This is one of her favorite classes to offer and it is so popular that she has traveled internationally to share it. You will experience the 'communion'. Classes are kept small and include 1:1 time. To say that this course is a life changing experience is putting it mildly.

The Quiet Mind
The human mind is so often filled with endless chatter. Learn to still the mind and experience an expanse of consciousness that is beyond words or your imagination. When you experience this Space, even if for a moment, you touch upon the eternal now. This is the Space from which all is made manifest. It is the Space that reveals itself as You. It is the journey inward that reveals to you any answer to any question. It is this Space that you find and experience true Peace.

The Power of Touch
The power of touch is one of the most powerful physical experience. It is also one of the most misused or 'abused' as well. Our human culture is touch starved. Many of us have learned that we don't like to be touched. This is one of the most tragic of human experiences. Yet, it is learned. This course is offered by I'Maya and information shared and shown to her about the power of touch is shared openly and fully. 'Touch extends so far beyond the physical action of what most know as touch. Touch goes beyond mind and body and is an aspect of Oneness, Pure Energy.' She demonstrates what she calls, Rhythmic Syncopation with all things. We all possess abilities beyond our wildest imagination. There are profound abilities that are connected with The Power of Touch. Learn to go beyond touching by 'default'. Become aware of the magic of touch. Your experience with touch will never be the same.

The Power of Sound
Sound affects / effects all things. Learn about the Power of Sound and it's influence on every aspect of living a life. Learn what sound is as it has been shown and shared with her by Spirit. This class is life changing.

The Power of Thought
Simply put, thought creates. It truly is that simple. Yet, why is it then that 'I can't have what I want'. I ask and ask and ask. Learn the stumbling blocks and ways that we self-sabotage that are unconscious focus points. Learn to change your life experience and manifest what you desire. There is no limitation to what you can experience. 

This is a 4 week (4 Part) class. This class reveals what thought really is. Each week will reinforce the mastery of conscious awareness of thought. Once you realize what thought really is and how to utilize it, your life is changed forever.  This class also incorportates aspects of: The Quiet Mind, The Power of Sound and Communion with Spirit. (see above descriptions)

I'Maya has shared this information internationally. She openly shares with you, what has been shown and shared with her by Spirit.   Become an Adept and Master within this reality, play beyond the illusions.  This class offers an explosion of expanded awareness that will impact you and the experience of the world around you.  This class offers profound healing and life changing experiences.

Beautiful Mourning
This gathering is for those who are involved with or experiencing death or dying issues. The atmosphere is sacred and honoring for those that would like to express and share their experience. This gathering also offers those attending what is 'beyond the body' through I'Maya. I'Maya was shown by Sprit, decades ago, the process that take place when a soul leaves the body. She will share with you that poignant experience just as she has shared it with so many around the world.

Women's Circle

In ancient times, most cultures were matriarchal. The Feminine was honored and respected. Over time, the pendulum has swung to the patriarchal or Masculine side. What is taking place in these times is the balance of both within both genders. The pendulum is coming to rest at its midpoint. It is a pivotal movement toward our human evolution. This gathering promotes empowerment as well as healing.

The Kid Connection - The Highly Sensitives
Parents and Guardians

This will be a regular gathering of the parent(s) of children that have a, let's say, different way of viewing this reality. And, often as a result have been labeled as a 'problem' of one sort or another. The truth is, these children, both younger and older, are blessed even though it might not seem so. There is nothing wrong with these beautiful and highly sensitive individuals. It just takes a wider viewpoint to embrace what is taking place. This gathering will offer suggestions and perspectives that will enhance the structure needed. It will also be an opportunity for parents, family and guardians to realize they are not alone and share experiences. These children are in all age categories, to include adults.

This will be a regular gathering for the children themselves. There is not age constriction here. The first 'large' wave of the highly sensitves are now in their 30's. Yet, they are in all age categories. This gathering is about embracing the 'difference' that exists and feeling welcome.

Introduction to Qi Gong and T'ai Chi
Rosie Askin Cully
This beginning class, which aims at good health and inner peace, will help you restore deep natural breathing , manage stress, calm and focus the mind, cultivate energy as well as improve flexibility, range of motion, balance and coordination. 

Laughter Yoga
Kelli Jones
Experience a refreshing and innovative practice that provides a whole new approach to stress-management as well as physical and mental well-being through laughter!  As seen on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Dancing With The Stars, Good Morning America... The secret of Laughter Yoga is that our bodies are hardwired with some surprisingly powerful reactions to extended hearty laughter (a whole-brain function.)

Benefits include: Blood  and all major organs are fully oxygenated leaving us bursting with energy - Blood pressure and pulse rate drops, circulation improves - Depression is lifted - Increased endorphin levels put us in a great mood and reduce many aches and pains - Lymphatic system is massaged - Self-confidence, communication and creativity are boosted - Stress-levels reduce by 75% or more and we become more stress resistant in our day-to-day lives.

Tickle your funny bone, release tension and get a taste of Laughter Yoga with this fun session open to all.  Your inner child will take days to settle down!

Introduction to Jin Shin Jyutsu and more
Lori Reetz
Utilizing the ancient arts of the Japanese (Jin Shin Jyutsu), Korean (Dahn Hak) and Indian (Deeksha) energy healing traditions of harmonizing the life energy
in the body. 

Everyday imbalances such as ansiety, sadness and anger can cause our mind, body and spiritual energy fields to get congested.  If the energy remains congested, pain, illness and disease may occur.  Harmonizing the life energy helps release our everyday 'congestions' allowing peace, health & harmony in mind, body and spirit to flow through us.


Astrology Consultations
Pamela Ofstein


©2008 Journey Into Soul / The One Center / I'Maya - All Rights Reserved